What is Subluxation?

A subluxation is a misalignment of two or more bones in your body in relationship to spinal vertebrae above or below. These spinal misalignents cause irritation to the exiting nerve root and overall can present as symptoms.

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Mark Dvorak
Your Body is a Champion

Your body is smart! Your body is strong! And as long as you are alive, your body is and will be continually working to help you adapt to whatever circumstances you encounter in your environment.

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Mark Dvorak
Preparing Your Child's Brain For School

It’s that time of year when parents start thinking about back-to-school shopping and fall schedules. While many of us are either waiting to hear from the school district to see what school will look like in the fall, or making our own plans for distance learning or homeschooling, there are a handful of things you can do now to help prepare your child’s brain for learning.

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Mark Dvorak